KUSH KALRA v. UNION OF INDIA, 2020 An extra-ordinarily landmark judgement of the Supreme Court pertaining to COVID pandemic circumstances. The apex court in its ruling in the above-mentioned case prohibited pasting of posters outside the residences of COVID-19 patients announcing home isolation or health status. The Supreme Court noted in due course of hearing that the hard reality is many such patients are treated as untouchables. Background: Mr. Kush Kalra, a Delhi based advocate filed a PIL in Supreme Court, seeking its directions to stop pasting posters outside COVID-19 patients. He argued that it violates Art. 14 of the Constitution as those people are then not treated equally in society. Moreover, it violates the Right to Privacy(Art. 21) of an individual. He also sought an end to the revealing of names of COVID-19 patients by the Health Department. He also brought into notice that no such guidelines had been issued by the Central Government to the State Governmen...
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