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Showing posts from December, 2020

Difference between Theft, Robbery and Dacoity

Theft v. Robbery v. Dacoity ( चोरी , लूट और डकैती ) Theft, robbery and dacoity are terms that are generally used interchangeably and assumed as a synonym to one-another. But in law, they are not the same. They have different meaning and distinct essential characteristics. Let’s analyze each of them. 1.       1.  Theft ( चोरी) : Theft is defined under Section 378 of the Indian Penal Code.   (Image source: Theft is committed when somebody takes out some movable property (i.e. which can be moved e.g. car, money, animals etc.) out of the possession of the owner without his consent and with a dishonest intension to steal it. The victim may or may not be present at the site of theft. Illustration : Suppose a friend of yours comes to your house when you are not there. He sees a gold ring lying on a table. He hides it with the intension of telling you ...

Doctrines under Art. 13 of the Indian Constitution

  Doctrines under Art. 13 of the Indian Constitution Art. 13(1) of the Indian constitution constitutes two doctrines so as to protect the existence of Fundamental Rights. Fundamental rights are the most precious gifts that our constitution offers to its citizens. They are above every other law(though with reasonable restrictions). To protect the existence and subsistence of these fundamental rights, two doctrines are originated under Art 13(1) of the Constitution. Art. 13(1) of the Constitution reads as : ‘ All laws in force in the territory of India immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Part, shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void.’   Thus, art. 13 (1) talks about pre-constitutional laws. As per Art. 13 (1), all the laws before the enactment of the constitution (pre-constitution laws) that are not in consistence with the Fundamental Rights shall be adjudicated void. ...